homevideos Newsworld NewsUS curbs on Chineses chip will be positive for India in the long term, says IESA Chairman

US curbs on Chineses chip will be positive for India in the long-term, says IESA Chairman

The United States has stepped up its attack on the Chinese chip sector. Indian chip manufacturers fear that the move could cause some disruption in the short term but would benefit the sector in the long run.

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By Parikshit Luthra  Oct 18, 2022 6:17:53 PM IST (Published)

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The United States has ramped up heat on the Chinese chipmaking sector by banning exports of high-end chips manufactured with the use of American technology or personnel from China.

Indian chip manufacturers fear that the move could cause some disruption in the short term, but would benefit the sector in the long run.
Speaking to CNBC-TV18, Vivek Tyagi, Chairman at India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA), said, “Coming to a long-term view, it's positive for India because now, many global companies who are manufacturing traditionally in China may be looking at alternate locations and India could pitch itself as one of the alternatives."
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