homeworld NewsPM Modi in US says discrimination has no place in Indian democracy | WATCH

PM Modi in US says discrimination has no place in Indian democracy | WATCH

PM Modi, responding to a reporter’s question following a joint statement with US President Joe Biden at the White House, said no Indian citizen is discriminated against on the basis of caste, creed, religion, or gender.

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By CNBCTV18.com Jun 23, 2023 6:43:03 AM IST (Updated)

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday dismissed concerns that minority communities in India were being discriminated against. Modi, responding to a reporter’s question following a joint statement with US President Joe Biden at the White House, said no Indian citizen is discriminated against on the basis of caste, creed, religion, or gender.

“India is indeed a democracy. And, as President Biden also mentioned, for both India and America, democracy is in our DNA, democracy is our spirit. Democracy runs in our veins. We live democracy. And, our ancestors have actually put words to this concept, and that is in the form of our constitution,” Modi said.
Prime Minister Modi acknowledged the intrinsic value of democracy in Indian society, highlighting the importance of the nation’s constitution, which encapsulates the principles upon which the country was founded. He emphasised that democracy is not merely a political system but a way of life that permeates every aspect of Indian society.
"Our government has taken the basic principles of democracy, and on that basis, our constitution is made, and the entire country runs on that,” he said.
The prime minister underscored the government’s commitment to the principles of democracy, emphasising that the constitution serves as the bedrock upon which the nation operates. The constitution ensures that every citizen, regardless of their background, is treated with equality and dignity.
“Our constitution and our government have always proved that democracy can deliver. And when I say deliver, it is regardless of caste, creed, religion, and gender. There’s absolutely no space for discrimination,” Modi said.
Modi said that India’s democratic system has consistently demonstrated its ability to deliver positive outcomes for its citizens. He reaffirmed that discrimination has no place in India’s democracy and that the government remains resolute in its commitment to upholding the principles of equality and justice.
“When we have accepted democracy, there’s absolutely no space for discrimination. That’s why India believes in moving ahead with everybody we trust, and everybody’s efforts. These are the foundational principles, which are the basis for how we operate and how we live our lives,” the prime minister added.
The Prime Minister said democracy in India is not limited to electoral processes but extends to fostering an inclusive society where every citizen’s efforts and contributions are valued. India’s commitment to democratic principles ensures that the nation moves forward by embracing the collective trust and endeavours of its diverse populace.
“In India, the benefits that are provided by the government are accessible to all, whoever deserves those, it is available to everyone. That’s why in India’s democratic values, there’s absolutely no discrimination; not on the basis of caste, creed, age, or any kind of geographic location,” Modi said.
Prime Minister Modi highlighted the government’s efforts to ensure that the benefits and opportunities provided by the state are accessible to all deserving individuals, irrespective of their background. He stressed that India’s democratic values reject any form of discrimination, reaffirming the nation’s commitment to equal treatment and inclusivity.

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