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PVR disappointed at no relief given to the industry by government

Movie theatres and multiplexes were among the first to close and will be among the last to open.

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By Anuradha SenGupta  May 27, 2020 7:40:02 PM IST (Published)

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CNBC TV-18 special series, Media Dialogues, has been examining the impact of COVID-19 on brand and on consumer behaviour. Even as many things open up schools, colleges, religious places, malls, multiplexes, and short places where large numbers of people and gather continue to remain close across all zones and in all states.  Movie theatres and multiplexes were among the first to close and will be among the last to open.

The exhibition business has had a really rough three months and the news of some movies going directly to OTT or streaming platforms has come in as a further blow.
To get a sense of what is going on and what an outing at the movies will look like when they do re-open, Anuradha SenGupta is in conversation with Ajay Bijli, chairman and managing director of PVR that is the largest theatre chain in India and employs about 14,000 people.

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