hometechnology NewsExplained: What are NFC tags and how to use them

Explained: What are NFC tags and how to use them

NFC, or near field communication, tags are inexpensive and can be used to automate tasks. They are more secure than QR codes for many short-range applications, including mobile payments. The simplest tags are often built in the form of squares or circular stickers for ease of use.

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By CNBCTV18.com Jun 23, 2022 7:13:04 PM IST (Published)

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Explained: What are NFC tags and how to use them

NFC, or near field communication, is a popular wireless technology that is used to transfer data, share media and more between two devices that are in proximity. NFC is a faster and more secure alternative to QR codes for many short-range applications, including mobile payments.

Here’s all you need to know about the technology and how to use it.

How do NFC tags work?

NFC tags come in a variety of shapes and sizes and the simplest ones are often built in the form of squares or circular stickers for ease of use.

These tags consist of a thin copper coil and a microchip for storage. The coil allows the tag to wirelessly receive power from an NFC reader through electromagnetic induction.

That means when you bring a powered NFC reader near the tag, the latter gets energised and transmits any stored data within its microchip. Tags can also employ public-key encryption if sensitive data is involved.

Since the structure of an NFC tag is simple and small, it comes in various forms and stickers. NFC technology can be found in hotel key cards and NFC-equipped credit and debit cards for contactless payments.

Smartphones are also powered NFC devices that are capable of acting as an NFC tag.

NFC is a subset of RFID

NFC is essentially a subset of radio frequency identification (RFID). Unlike RFID, which allows one-way communication, NFC allows two-way communication. However, NFC is limited to a smaller range of mostly 10 cm area whereas RFID can be read at a much larger distance.

Types of NFC tags

Most NFC tags comply with the ISO 14443 standard for wireless, proximity-based data transmission. There are five subtypes of NFC, labelled type 1 to 5. Type 1 tags are the least advanced and can store less than one kilobyte of data whereas Type 5 is more advanced and can store up to 32KB.  The transmission speeds also vary drastically between the two.

Type 1 and 2 NFC tags are more common, inexpensive and can be purchased in bulk even from online stores.

How to use NFC tags?

NFC tags can be used in a variety of creative ways. They can be used to automate tasks and for better communication between devices. NFC tags can even turn your home into a smart home.

Here are some ways to use NFC tags:

  1. Use NFC tags to unlock doors with smart locks that don’t have the option to use your smartphone as a key. NFC tags can be programmed to use your phone as a key to these locks.
  2. NFC tags can be integrated with your smart home platform. Doors, appliances and devices can be controlled via NFC to switch on/off, open/close, lock or unlock.
  3. You can use NFC tags to disarm your home’s alarm system using your smartphone before entering.
  4. NFC tags can be used to toggle outside lights on/off outside of your home from a convenient nearby spot.
  5. With the iPhone Shortcut app and the Android Tasker app, more actions can be automated. For instance, your car’s dashboard mount for your smartphone can be used to trigger the phone to automatically open your navigation app using NFC tags.
  6. You can also use NFC to automatically connect to aWiFi without having to enter the password.
  7. The most popular and common use of NFC is to make payments. NFC enables contactless payments when using services like Google Pay or Apple Pay in almost all stores and places that accept payments from these platforms.

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