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JNU violence: Delhi police holds meeting with students, teachers

Violence broke out at the JNU on Sunday night as masked men armed with sticks and rods attacked students and teachers.

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By PTI Jan 6, 2020 7:53:04 AM IST (Updated)

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Delhi Police PRO M S Randhawa held a meeting with a delegation of students and teachers after violence broke out at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, officials said on Monday.

Violence broke out at the JNU on Sunday night as masked men armed with sticks and rods attacked students and teachers and damaged property on the campus, prompting the administration to call in police which conducted a flag march. At least 28 people, including JNU Students' Union president Aishe Ghosh, were injured as chaos reigned on the campus for nearly two hours.
The delegation comprising students and teachers from JNU, Jamia and Delhi University submitted an application to the Delhi Police PRO with four demands, including urgent medical assistance to injured students and arrest of the accused behind the violence.
"The police have assured us that they will look into the matter and our demands," president Federation of Central University teachers' associations Rajib Ray said.
The students demanded that police leave the JNU campus.
Earlier, police said peace has been restored in the JNU after the violence.
Eyewitnesses alleged the attackers entered the JNU premises when a meeting was being held by JNU Teachers' Association on the issue of violence on campus and assaulted students and professors. They also barged into three hostels. Video footage aired by some TV channels showed a group of men, who were brandishing hockey sticks and rods, moving around a building.
The Left-controlled JNUSU and the RSS-backed ABVP blamed each other for the incident.

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