homepolitics NewsFrom Ram Mandir to Sabarimala to urban naxals: Key takeaways from the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat's annual address

From Ram Mandir to Sabarimala to urban naxals: Key takeaways from the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat's annual address

Bhagwat’s annual customary address from Nagpur was closely watched as the RSS Sarsanghchalak has projected a more moderate stance in recent weeks.

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By CNBC-TV18 Oct 19, 2018 12:43:21 PM IST (Updated)

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From Ram Mandir to Sabarimala to urban naxals: Key takeaways from the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat's annual address
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday delivered his annual Vijayadashami speech in Nagpur.

In his address, Bhagwat touched on various issues ranging from the contentious Ram Mandir to the Supreme Court’s judgement on women’s entry in Sabarimala temple to ‘urban naxals.’
Bhagwat’s annual customary address from Nagpur is closely watched as the RSS Sarsanghchalak has projected a more moderate stance in recent weeks.
Apart from Bhagwat, Nobel prize winner and social activist Kailash Satyarthi was present as chief guest at the gathering of RSS workers.
Here are the main highlights from Bhagwat’s speech:
On internal security, role of armed forces:
  • Border security and internal security of the country are the issues of foremost consideration as they ensure space and opportunity to the nation for making efforts towards prosperity and development.
  • Efforts are being initiated and accelerated to enhance the morale of our armed and security forces, making them well-equipped and to provide them with latest technologies. This is one of the reasons that the prestige of Bharat is rising in the world.
  • It's essential to be more attentive in enhancing the basic amenities of armed and security forces and their families. There have been some laudable efforts in this regard by the government.
  • On Pakistan:
    • After the change of guard in the, any decline in its overt and covert provocative activities especially in the states like Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab, neither has happened nor was expected.
    • On internal disorder, urban naxals:
      • An atmosphere of divergence, separatism, violence, acerbic hatred and going to the extent of fuelling anti-national sentiments is being created by exploiting these grievances.
      • The leading faces of the groups from whom the slogans like bharat tere tukde honge were emanated, have been at the forefront with their provocative speeches in such incidents at some places.
      • An ideological follower group is created through a network of small groups and is in regular contact with students staying at hostels.
      • To establish a new, unfamiliar, uncontrolled, outrightly biased naxal leadership with blind followers solely committed to them is the ‘neo –Left’ doctrine of these urban naxals.
      • Their cohorts already established in social and other media, intellectual circles and other institutions are associated with such activities from start to finish.
      • The actual presence of jihadi and terrorist elements in one way or other in such incidents is a common factor among all these. So, the emerging conclusion is, this is a bigger canny conspiracy in collusion with forces from within and outside the country. It no more remains just a power politics by the opposition.
      • On inter-community dialogue:
        • We need to see the diversity of sects and religions, castes and sub-castes, languages and provinces as expressions of unity. The entire society should own problems and conditions specific to any section of society to find a just and amicable solution through a cordial dialogue.
        • On youth and education:
          • Today, it has become pertinent that the younger generation gets the foundational virtues of humanity and good character in family life. Nowadays, the education curricula and the general atmosphere of the society almost lack these values.
          • On Sabarimala temple verdict:
            • Nowhere in the world, healthy and peaceful social life has ever thrived and can thrive, merely based on the laws and fear of punishment. The decisions taken without considering all aspects and patiently creating the mindset of the society, will neither be adopted in actual practice nor will they help in creating a new social order in tune with changing times and positions. The situation arising out of the recent verdict on Sabarimala temple shows the similar predicament.
            • The nature and premise of the tradition that has been accepted by society and continuously followed for years together were not taken into consideration. The version of heads of religious denominations and faith of crores of devotees was not taken into account. The plea by a large section of women, who follows this tradition, was not heard to.
            • The legal verdict has given rise to unrest, turmoil and divisiveness in the society in place of peace, stability and equality. The questions such as why only the Hindu society experiences such repeated and brazen onslaughts on its symbols of faith, obviously rise in the public mind and lead to unrest.
            • On government policies:
              • Bharat’s progress will have to be achieved by rejuvenating all precincts of national life, being rooted in its eternal ethos. The administrative sensitivity, alacrity, transparency and totality in the implementation of good policies of the government are still not up to the expectations. Resultantly, the outcome of those policies is not percolating down to the last man standing in the society.
              • On Ram Temple:
                • Sangh has been associated with the sentiments of crores of countrymen in the efforts of constructing a magnificent Ram temple at the birthplace of Shree Ram, who is the personification of the life energy of the nation and an icon of upholding dharma.
                • The place of Janmabhoomi is yet to be allocated for the construction of the temple, although all kinds of evidence have affirmed that there was a temple at that place.
                • There is an obvious game-plan of a few elements to stall the judgement by presenting various newer interventions in the judicial process.
                • The construction of the temple is necessary from the self-esteem point of view; it will also pave the way for an atmosphere of goodwill and oneness in the country.
                • The decision regarding ownership of the land should be expedited and the government should clear the path for construction of the grand temple through appropriate and requisite law.
                • On upcoming general elections:
                  • The decision we make on that single day of the election makes us bear the brunt of good and bad effects in the short term as well as the long-lasting gains and losses for many years, sometimes throughout the lifetime. We are left with nothing else in our hands after that single day.
                  • Since its inception, RSS has kept itself aloof from the party politics and the politics influenced by castes and creeds and will continue to do so.
                  • On goal ahead:
                    • The existence of a powerful, virtuous and organised society based on the distinct axiom of ‘Swa’ of the nation is the fundamental and essential prerequisite of national well-being. That identity is Hindu identity that teaches us to respect all, accept all, unite all and do good to all. That is why Sangh wishes to establish a strong, invincible organised Hindu society and will comprehensively achieve this goal.
                    • Hindutva is behind Bharat’s capacity to embrace the entire universe with acceptance and appreciation of all its distinct diversities. That is why Bharat is the Hindu rashtra. An organised Hindu society is the bedrock of unity, integrity and sustainable progress of the nation.
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