homehealthcare NewsBusting some mucormycosis myths: It is not black fungus and it does not grow on onions

Busting some mucormycosis myths: It is not black fungus and it does not grow on onions

As mucormycosis cases increased so did all the social media myths surrounding it. Here's a closer look at those myths and their corresponding realities.

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By CNBCTV18.COMMay 27, 2021 9:21:08 PM IST (Updated)

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Busting some mucormycosis myths: It is not black fungus and it does not grow on onions
Amid rising mucormycosis cases among people suffering from COVID-19 infections or those who have recovered from it, several myths about the disease are doing the rounds, especially on social media.

India reported over 11,700 cases of mucormycosis as on May 26, with five states accounting for 65 percent of the infections, according to the government data.
AIIMS Director Dr Randeep Guleria is hopeful that the cases of the fungal infection will come down with the decrease in COVID-19 cases.
Mucormycosis: Myth vs Reality
Myth 1: Black fungus is another name for mucormycosis
Reality: Dr Guleria says mucormycosis is not a black fungus. “It is a misnomer… because there is some discolouration of skin among the patients due to decreased blood supply; it may give a feeling that the area has become black, which is why the name."
Myth 2: The fungus causing the much-dreaded mucormycosis is present in household items like vegetables and refrigerators.
Reality: A long Facebook post in Hindi suggests that the black layer on onions or the black film seen on the rubber inside refrigerators is the black fungus.
The fungus, which forms a black mould inside a refrigerator and the one that forms a black layer over onions are different from the one causing mucormycosis.
Myth 3: Raw fruits cause mucormycosis
Reality: Dr Guleria confirmed that there is no data to suggest that a person can develop mucormycosis by consuming raw fruits.
Myth 4: Use of steroids causes mucormycosis
Reality: Doctors say that the use of steroids in the treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia in appropriate doses can be life-saving.
Dr Guleria said doctors just have to be very careful about the use of steroids, and not start with it early in the course of the disease. “There is data, which suggests that early use of steroids predisposes to secondary infection, both bacterial and fungal. Also, the doses and their duration need to be closely monitored," Guleria told CNN-News18.

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