homeeducation NewsFeeling stuck at your job? Here are some tips and tricks from an interview coach that can help overcome that

Feeling stuck at your job? Here are some tips and tricks from an interview coach that can help overcome that

Feeling stuck at your job, uncertain about how to make that much-needed switch in your career? You're not alone. Many individuals find themselves at a crossroads, yearning for a change but unsure about where to begin. CNBC-TV18 caught up with global career coach Mehar Sindhu Batra to get tips and tricks on how what to do when you feel stuck at your job.

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By Nishtha Pandey  Oct 9, 2023 6:17:40 PM IST (Published)

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Feeling stuck at your job? Here are some tips and tricks from an interview coach that can help overcome that

Feeling stuck at your job, uncertain about how to make that much-needed switch in your career? You're not alone. Many individuals find themselves at a crossroads, yearning for a change but unsure about where to begin. CNBC-TV18 caught up with global career coach Mehar Sindhu Batra to get tips and tricks on how to go about it when you feel stuck at your job. Batra is the founder and CEO of MSB Vision through which she has mentored over 15,000 individuals in their career path.

Before getting into a job switch let's understand how can you know if it's the right time to switch your job?

Recognising when you're stuck

It's crucial to recognise the signs of career stagnation. Batra explained, "Identifying when you're feeling stuck in your job is crucial for personal and professional growth." She highlighted some common challenges and signs that individuals may experience when they feel stuck at their jobs:

Lack of motivation: "A significant decrease in motivation and enthusiasm for work is a clear sign," said Batra. When you no longer feel excited or passionate about your job, it may indicate that you're stuck in a rut.

Repetitive tasks: If your job involves repetitive, monotonous tasks with little room for creativity or growth, you might feel stagnant in your career.

Limited growth opportunities: "A sense of being unable to advance or grow within your current role or company can be frustrating," Batra noted. Limited career progression can make you feel stuck.

Lack of work-life balance: If your job is consuming all your time and energy, leaving you with no personal life or time for hobbies and interests, it can lead to burnout and a feeling of being stuck.

Now that you know how to recognise whether you are stuck at your job or not let's understand how can you work on your resume to land the job that you want to switch over to.

Effective resume strategies

One of the critical aspects of transitioning to a new job is crafting an effective resume that showcases your value. Batra emphasised the importance of quantifying achievements: "Whenever possible, use quantifiable metrics to highlight your accomplishments. Numbers provide concrete evidence of your contributions."

She also advises tailoring your resume for each job application: "Highlight the skills and achievements that are most relevant to the specific role you're applying for." This demonstrates that you've done your homework and are a good fit for the position.

Additionally, Batra highlighted the significance of keywords: "Ensure that your resume includes keywords relevant to the industry and job description. Many employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter resumes, and keywords can help your resume get past this initial screening."

Switching careers successfully

For those looking to switch careers, Batra mentioned specific resume tips and strategies. She suggests creating a skills-based resume. "Instead of focusing primarily on chronological work history, consider using a skills-based or functional resume format focusing on your transferable skills that are the common bridge between your present job and your future job," she said.

She added that individuals should showcase relevant experiences from their previous careers. "While your previous career may be different, there are likely experiences and accomplishments that are relevant to your new path. Highlight these experiences on your resume, even if they were gained through volunteer work, internships, or side projects," said Batra.

Lastly, Batra stressed the importance of education and training. She advised that if someone has pursued additional education, training, or certifications related to their desired career change they should make sure to prominently display these qualifications on their resume.

Leveraging your existing network

Even if you haven't actively cultivated your network in the past, Batra advised that it's never too late to leverage your existing connections. She advises reconnecting with individuals in your network and sending friendly messages or emails to express your interest in catching up. Keeping your contact information on your social media handles up-to-date, especially on LinkedIn, is crucial.

Moreover, Batra recommends making networking a consistent habit, especially in the era of social media. "One must make the most of LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook and try to engage with other people's posts in a meaningful way," she added. Simple gestures like wishing someone on their birthday or congratulating them on a promotion can leave a memorable impression.

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