homeeducation NewsDrivers, delivery personnel and other lightly skilled workers can now search for jobs in Hindi on Indeed

Drivers, delivery personnel and other lightly skilled workers can now search for jobs in Hindi on Indeed

Many have been looking for a job in the gig economy or any other lightly skilled work on online platforms and cannot find a suitable one due to a language barrier. Indeed is trying to make things better for such job seekers and also helping them create resumes in Hindi, the company shared with CNBCTV18.com in an exclusive interview.

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By Kanishka Sarkar  Jul 18, 2022 9:42:46 AM IST (Published)

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Drivers, delivery personnel and other lightly skilled workers can now search for jobs in Hindi on Indeed
Over the years, online portals have made recruitment easier, both for job seekers and employers. But many have been looking for a job in the gig economy or any other lightly skilled work on online platforms and cannot find a suitable one due to a language barrier.

This has been now backed by a survey by the global job portal Indeed. It shows that the most significant barriers for workers such as delivery personnel, drivers, and personal care services in India are lack of access to job information (62 percent) and not knowing English (32 percent).
Light-skilled workers are those who typically require a basic skill set to perform a task. They engage in different sectors such as e-commerce, logistics, manufacturing, construction, repair and maintenance, and retail. Job roles include drivers, delivery personnel, security guards, personal care services, cleaning services, etc.
Indeed is trying to make things better for such job seekers and also helping them create resumes in Hindi, the company shared with CNBCTV18.com in an exclusive interview.
“The capability to use the site in Hindi is available to all categories of job seekers. However, we especially see this update empowering the niche segment of light skilled workers,” Sashi Kumar, head of sales, Indeed India, told CNBCTV18.com.
The portal will not stop at Hindi and will add a series of regional languages.
According to Kumar, as more job seekers from non-metro cities start using online job hunting platforms, employers can expect a larger and diversified candidate pool to hire from.
How to look for jobs on Indeed Hindi
The Hindi upgrade helps one auto-fill a resume, which quickens the application, and also has chatbots for easier discovery and job application, Indeed said.
“We use simple, colloquial Hindi mixed with English which is what our jobseekers prefer over perfect Hindi,” it added.
The site also offers features such as direct calls to the employer, where a job seeker can call the employer to express interest and learn more details about the job.
But are enough jobs available?
With indications of an early recession in the US, several analysts cautioned about the job market with many big tech firms, including Microsoft and Meta, and edtechs like Unacademy and Byju’s laying off people to keep up with elevated costs.
However, Indeed suggests that the Indian labour market is witnessing a positive momentum as new job postings in India are seeing a record high number.
“New job postings in July 2022 saw over 40.5 percent growth above the pre-pandemic baseline (February 2020). This showcases the increase in demand for hiring across several industries,” Indeed’s sales head told CNBCTV18.com.
"As far as job creation is concerned, there might be corrections as the market changes condition changes... But what we can definitely say is hiring in India is getting better. Irrespective of short-term ups and downs, it's likely that we will see a trend of increasing jobs in the market," Kumar said.
Kumar also pointed to the changing labour landscape. The government is open to companies having a four-day work week with increased hours of working, it's new in India, but it's been tried globally, he said.
"We'll see how this impacts employees and companies as we progress. But from a recruitment jobs landscape, we're still seeing buoyancy, we're still seeing new laws come through," Kumar added.

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