homebusiness Newscompanies NewsMakeMyTrip group's redBus forays into railways with redRail app

MakeMyTrip group's redBus forays into railways with redRail app

redBus, a MakeMyTrip group company, announced the launch of redRail app and expects the segment to contribute 10-15 percent in gross ticketing value of the company in 3-4 years. "The launch of standalone redRail app comes at an opportune time as there has been a steady increase in digital adoption across both bus as well as train segments over the last two years. The online train ticket booking market, with nearly a million daily transactions across the country, offers a huge opportunity," redBus CEO Prakash Sangam said in a statement.

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By PTI Apr 12, 2022 7:15:40 PM IST (Published)

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MakeMyTrip group's redBus forays into railways with redRail app
redBus, a MakeMyTrip group company, on Tuesday announced the launch of redRail app and expects the segment to contribute 10-15 percent in gross ticketing value of the company in 3-4 years. "The launch of standalone redRail app comes at an opportune time as there has been a steady increase in digital adoption across both bus as well as train segments over the last two years. The online train ticket booking market, with nearly a million daily transactions across the country, offers a huge opportunity," redBus CEO Prakash Sangam said in a statement.

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A 65 percent overlap between bus and train travellers works to the company's advantage as the company will leverage the large user base of redBus to push redRail. "Our bus ticketing platform has already gained significant leadership in the intercity bus segment, and we will now work towards gaining ground in the online trains category as well. We are expecting this segment to contribute 10-15 percent of the gross ticketing value of the company, he added.
redBus is also planning to launch the app in 5-6 vernacular languages, he added.

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