homevideos Newsauto NewsUber faces competition from private vehicle ownership, not other ride sharing companies, says India business head Prabhjeet Singh

Uber faces competition from private vehicle ownership, not other ride-sharing companies, says India business head Prabhjeet Singh

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By Anu Sharma  Nov 15, 2018 6:15:40 AM IST (Updated)

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Ridesharing company Uber said the company is facing competition from private vehicle ownership and not from other ride-sharing companies.

"Competition helps us push our thinking, make our products and service better," said Prabhjeet Sing, head of Uber Cities, India and South Asia. "However, having said that competition for us is not other ridesharing companies, it is private ownership and that has always been the mission and the vision for the business as we have scaled up."
Uber wanted to be a one-stop shop for all mobility needs and will try to create more affordable price points, Singh told CNBC-TV18.
On Uber Auto, Singh said there is no necessity to finance auto drivers at the moment, but if needed, Uber may seek third-party support for attractive financing schemes.
"At this stage, I don't feel a need for a massive financing effort and the reason for that is there are already hundreds and thousands of autos on the roads in our cities - both in metropolitan and smaller cities," Singh said.
Over a period of time, if that reaches a stage where Uber feels that more autos will be required, the company will be very open to partnering with other third parties who can provide attractive financing schemes, he added.

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