homeworld NewsUK PM Rishi Sunak releases tax returns of over 1 pounds million since 2019

UK PM Rishi Sunak releases tax returns of over 1 pounds million since 2019

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, among the wealthiest British politicians, on Wednesday, revealed that he earned a total of 4.766 million pounds between 2019 and 2022 and paid 1.053 million pounds in tax — at a tax rate of around 22 percent.

By PTI Mar 23, 2023 5:48:15 PM IST (Published)

3 Min Read

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has released his tax returns, revealing that the British-Indian leader paid more than 1 million pounds to the Exchequer since becoming a frontline politician in 2019.
The tax release is part of a transparency commitment the UK premier made in November last year.
Sunak, among the wealthiest British politicians, on Wednesday, revealed that he earned a total of 4.766 million pounds between 2019 and 2022 and paid 1.053 million pounds in tax — at a tax rate of around 22 percent.