homeworld NewsMembers of India Caucus introduce bipartisan legislation to fast track weapons sales to India

Members of India Caucus introduce bipartisan legislation to fast-track weapons sales to India

China claims nearly all of the disputed South China Sea, through which more than USD 5 trillion of trade passes annually. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan have counterclaims over some of the areas claimed by China.

By PTI Jun 27, 2023 4:07:26 PM IST (Published)

4 Min Read

Members of the powerful India Caucus have introduced bipartisan legislation aimed at providing India access to the weapons it needs to defend itself and boost its security goals with the US in the strategic Indo-Pacific region. Indian-American Democratic Congressmen Raja Krishnamoorthi, Ro Khanna and Marc Veasey joined Republican Congressmen Andy Barr and Mike Waltz in introducing the legislation that will allow weapon sales to India from the US to be fast-tracked and deepen the US-India defence ties.
Companion legislation has also been introduced by Democratic Senator Mark Warner and Republican Senator John Cornyn in the US Senate, a statement issued by Krishnamoorthi's office said. Barr's office said in a statement that this legislation would place India on equal footing with other US partners and allies by streamlining and accelerating the review and sales process for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and exports under the Arms Export Control Act.
It subjects Indian FMS to the same threshold for oversight and accountability as other key US partners and allies, ensuring that India has streamlined access to the high-end capabilities necessary to defend itself. US-India defence partnership, this legislation will buttress India's role as a key provider of security in Asia, the statement said.