homeworld NewsLondon Eye | Britain inching back from Brexit

London Eye | Britain inching back from Brexit

The government itself is now showing signs of beginning to inch back in search of compromises that are short of the emptily triumphant break from the EU sought and achieved earlier, a victory that has brought more loss than gain. The benefits of Brexit remain a promise, the experience of it has been painful.

By Sanjay Suri  Nov 29, 2022 11:28:15 PM IST (Updated)

5 Min Read

A 2021 census report published Tuesday brings the extraordinary report that for the first time less than half of the British people in a constitutionally Christian country say they are Christian. It just might be easier for Britain today to step back from Christianity than to step back from Brexit.
Step back all the way, that is. Any suggestion of abandoning Brexit is still political sacrilege in Britain – despite the fact that every political leader remains determined to turn away from it. But without saying the word, almost as though without anyone looking, British leaders are beginning to rediscover that Britain is a part of Europe after all, if not of the European Union.
The government itself is now showing signs of beginning to inch back in search of compromises that are short of the emptily triumphant break from the EU sought and achieved earlier, a victory that has brought more loss than gain. The benefits of Brexit remain a promise, the experience of it has been painful.