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Watch | How Free/Dem is shaping a more inclusive digital landscape

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, India stands out among the nations with the highest count of mobile phone users globally. Nonetheless, merely a third of the country's internet users are women. Free/Dem, an initiative spearheaded by Ideosync Media Combine, a non-profit organisation dedicated to amplifying the voices of girls and women from marginalised backgrounds is making significant strides in providing these women with a platform to overcome the digital divide.

By Shivani Bazaz  Aug 14, 2023 11:04:13 PM IST (Published)

2 Min Read
In an ever-evolving digital landscape, India stands out among the nations with the highest count of mobile phone users globally. Nonetheless, merely a third of the country's internet users are women.
The UN Women's Gender Snapshot 2022 report reveals a startling fact: the exclusion of women from the digital world has resulted in an astonishing economic loss of approximately $1 trillion to the GDP of low and middle-income countries over the past decade.
According to Oxfam's Digital Divide India Inequality Report for 2022, Indian women are statistically 15 percent less likely than men to possess a mobile phone, and their likelihood of utilising mobile internet services is reduced by 33 percent compared to men.