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Government is afraid of making jobs data public, says Congress leader Milind Deora

The Congress has slammed the government over the resignations by the members of the National Satistical Commission. Congress Leader Milind Deora has called it an unprecedented event.

By CNBC-TV18 Jan 30, 2019 9:08:13 PM IST (Published)

The Congress on Wednesday said the Narendra Modi government is afraid of making jobs data public and called the resignations by the members of the National Satistical Commission (NSC) is unprecedented.
"The resignations show the government is scared of bringing out jobs data and it signifies that there is a serious unemployment crisis in the country," said senior Congress leader Milind Deora.
Two independent members of the NSC, P C Mohanan and J V Meenakshi, has quit the commission over disagreements with the government on the back-series GDP data and delay in the release of labour force survey. Mohanan was also the acting chairperson of the commission.