homevideos Newsindia NewsPegasus Spyware: Phones of journalists, activists hacked; govt denies claim

Pegasus Spyware: Phones of journalists, activists hacked; govt denies claim

Over 16 media organisations including The Guardian and the Washington Post have reported on large scale surveillance of human rights activists, journalists and lawyers around the world using the hacking spyware, Pegasus, sold by the Israeli surveillance company the NSO Group.

By Parikshit Luthra  Jul 19, 2021 3:17:58 PM IST (Published)

Over 16 media organisations including The Guardian and the Washington Post have reported on large scale surveillance of human rights activists, journalists and lawyers around the world using the hacking spyware, Pegasus, sold by the Israeli surveillance company the NSO Group.
It reports on a list that has been accessed by Forbidden Stories and Amnesty International which has 50,000 names on it. These were people who were allegedly snooped upon or were under surveillance of foreign government using the military-grade spyware, Pegasus, owned by Israel NSO Group.
Most of these numbers are concentrated in about 10 countries, which includes Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia and India.