hometravel Newsdestinations NewsCelebrating Tradition: A guide to the stunning Losar Festival in Sikkim

Celebrating Tradition: A guide to the stunning Losar Festival in Sikkim

Losar Festival is a truly unique and beautiful festival that showcases the rich cultural heritage of Sikkim. It is a time for families and friends to come together and celebrate the start of a new year, filled with hope and positivity.

By Sanhita Baruah  Feb 11, 2023 12:37:41 PM IST (Updated)

3 Min Read

Losar Festival is one of the most vibrant and unique festivals celebrated in the Northeastern state of Sikkim, India. It is celebrated as the Tibetan New Year and marks the start of the lunar calendar. Losar is a time for family and friends to come together to rejoice, eat, drink and make merry.
The Origin of Losar Festival
Losar Festival is a traditional Buddhist festival that has been celebrated for over a thousand years. The festival originated in Tibet and was brought to Sikkim by Tibetan refugees who fled their homeland. Today, Losar is celebrated by the Tibetan community as well as the local people of Sikkim, and it has become an integral part of the state's cultural heritage.
The Significance of the Losar Festival
Losar Festival holds immense significance in Tibetan Buddhist culture. It is believed that the festival marks the victory of good over evil and symbolises the triumph of light over darkness. During the festival, prayers and offerings are made to the gods to seek their blessings for the coming year. Losar is also seen as a time to let go of the past and embrace a new beginning, filled with hope and positivity.