hometechnology NewsWho is Vinod Khosla and why his predictions matter?

Who is Vinod Khosla and why his predictions matter?

In 2004, Vinod founded Khosla Ventures citing the need for flexibility, experimentation, and funding unconventional ventures. Khosla's primary focus centers on emerging technologies with beneficial societal and economic implications. He actively supports several KV companies during critical transitions and strategic decisions.

By CNBCTV18.com Nov 6, 2023 10:19:26 AM IST (Published)

3 Min Read

If you want to know what the world might look like in the coming decades, Billionaire Venture Capitalist Vinod Khosla has some insights to share. One of Open AI's earliest backers, Khosla has underpinned his investment policy on his 10 predictions ranging from freeing the bottom 50% of the most undesirable jobs with machine robots to fusion replacing coal in 50 years, and having Artificial Intelligence based "near free" doctors and teachers.

But who is Vinod Khosla and why do his predications matter?

Who is Vinod Khosla?
Khosla is an entrepreneur, investor, and technologist. He founded Khosla Ventures, a company dedicated to aiding technology-based disruptors. According to his website Khosla Ventures, his entrepreneurial journey began at the age of 16 when he learned about Intel's founding and aspired to start his own tech company.