hometechnologyUS hearing on tech dominance of news outlets will include Microsoft

US hearing on tech dominance of news outlets will include Microsoft

Social media companies use news to attract customers and have been accused by news publishers of not sharing enough advertising revenue with them.

By PTI Mar 10, 2021 8:15:11 AM IST (Published)

A House Judiciary panel focused on antitrust will hear from three witnesses on Friday who represent a range of news organizations with concerns about how big tech platforms like Facebook and Alphabet’s Google increasingly dominate their industry. The antitrust subcommittee leading the charge against tech platforms, and in this instance focusing on their relations with news organizations, will also hear from Microsoft President Brad Smith.
Social media companies use news to attract customers and have been accused by news publishers of not sharing enough advertising revenue with them.
Witnesses for Friday’s hearing include David Chavern, head of the News Media Alliance which includes News Corp and USA Today among others; Emily Barr, who represents the National Association of Broadcasters and Graham Media Group, which has 7 local TV stations; and Jonathan Schleuss, president of the NewsGuild-CWA, a union representing journalists, the statement said.