homestoryboard18 NewsStoryboard18 | Live commerce and the rise of shopatainment

Storyboard18 | Live commerce and the rise of shopatainment

Live commerce can make shopping exciting and immersive, allowing brands deeper engagement with users. Integrating innovations could change shopping online from an activity to a form of entertainment for digital natives and newbies.

By Saumya Tewari  Jan 27, 2022 6:06:41 PM IST (Updated)

For 25-year-old Nashik-based Kanika Shinde buying make-up off Instagram has become a habit. Shinde, an active online shopper, prefers video and photo-sharing platforms as these digital stores provide real-time shopping experience through live streaming.
“… I could see the owner of the Instagram make-up store live swatching the shades of new lipsticks and eye-shadows that gives me a clear picture of how it looks. Since she also has a similar skin tone as mine the buying decision becomes much easier. They also quickly respond to product related queries as well,” she shares.
Shinde is among a bevy of online shoppers who are warming up to the idea of ‘live commerce’.