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Storyboard18: Experts at Twitter discuss brand safety

"When everyone feels safe, is when we can see really great rich conversations happening," said Caitlin Rush, Global Head - Brand Safety Strategy, Twitter, in a conversation with CNBC-TV18. Brand safety is an area that is rapidly evolving and is a constantly moving target. So, that in itself can create challenges for brands and for marketers, she added.

By Shibani Gharat  Nov 19, 2021 5:26:58 PM IST (Updated)

We are living in sensitive times battling challenges and multiple social issues. In this scenario featuring content and messages for brands and advertisers can be tricky; misplaced ads around inappropriate content and such other challenges can become quick recipes for disaster and can lead to brand reputation and credibility taking a hit.
To discuss all aspects of brand safety, CNBC-TV18’s Storyboard team caught up with Twitter to understand how they are addressing the issue of brand safety, globally, as well as in India.
Defining brand safety at Twitter in the context of today’s emerging media landscape, Caitlin Rush, Global Head - Brand Safety Strategy, said it is a definition that they have seen evolve over time, particularly in the last year and a half or so.