homesmart living NewsMultiplexes ready for digital way of life' as they wait for theatres to open

Multiplexes ready for digital way of life' as they wait for theatres to open

Cinemas account for the biggest chunk of earnings for movies and have taken a substantial hit during the pandemic and multiplexes are pulling out the stops to ensure audiences return after theatres open.

By PTI Jul 23, 2020 1:23:19 PM IST (Published)

Paperless tickets, seat distancing, staggered intervals and scrupulous sanitising are part of the safety protocol multiplexes will introduce if the government allows screenings in Unlock 3' next month, say the CEOs of leading multiplex chains.
A set of SOPs drawn up by the Multiplex Association of India in collaboration with its members was submitted to various Central ministries as well as Prime Minister's Office and Niti Aayog earlier this month, said industry leaders INOX, PVR Pictures and Cinepolis India.
Algorithms for automatic seat distancing, regular cleaning and disinfecting of the cinemas, lobby area and touch points like railings and doors as well as basics like temperature scans also form part of the SOPs that conform to global standards.