homescience NewsNASA loses contact with CAPSTONE spacecraft on way to test moon orbit

NASA loses contact with CAPSTONE spacecraft on way to test moon orbit

The CAPSTONE satellite is about the size of a microwave. It is on a mission to explore a strange halo-shaped orbit around the moon which NASA aims to use for its upcoming lunar gateway.

By Jul 6, 2022 11:29:21 AM IST (Published)

3 Min Read

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has lost communication with its Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE) spacecraft which was on its way towards one of the moon’s orbits. CAPSTONE was successfully launched from New Zealand on June 28. Its initial solo journey to the moon started on July 4 after leaving the Earth’s orbit. Everything was going fine until it lost communication with its operators, causing a delay in its trajectory correction maneuvers. However, NASA’s engineers are confident in re-establishing connection with the $30 million spacecraft.

The CAPSTONE spacecraft, owned and operated by Advanced Space of Westminster, Colorado, relied on a compact yet sophisticated upper stage for thruster firings to boost it to the high point of an elliptical orbit. After reaching to a point where it could break free of Earth's gravity it was supposed to head for the moon.
Those initial maneuvers were successful, and the CAPSTONE was released from Rocketlab's Photon upper stage early Monday to fly on its own. The company also confirmed successful solar array deployment, spacecraft stabilisation and battery charging.