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India's tribal women see little hope in Lok Sabha elections


For years they've been told about the power they can wield with their votes, and how elections can bring so much change to this sprawling, often-chaotic nation. But few of these women, marooned at the fringes of Indian society, believe such talk anymore. They've been hardened by decades of forgotten promises, and by the countless politicians who showed up before elections with flowery words only to disappear as soon as the votes were cast. As India heads toward the end of its seven-phase national election, with voting that began April 11 and ends May 19, it's hard for them to summon much optimism. These voters already face immense hurdles in a nation where women are often relegated to second-class roles. But they are also tribals — India's term for the vast range of indigenous people of South Asia. They are Gaddis, herders who have spent centuries taking sheep and goats through the mountains of north India in search of good pastures, and Mishings, who live in elevated bamboo homes on Majuli, a huge island in the Brahmaputra River. They are the Dongria Kondh, an 8,000-strong tribe who considers the mineral-rich Niyamgiri hills sacred, and Mizos, who trace their ethnic roots back to what is now Myanmar and China. The biggest worry for many tribals is losing their land, which has grown increasingly valuable in recent years as India's economy has boomed. Many Warlis, for instance, are facing the threat of relocation by the government to housing projects. More fear being forced to move.

By AP May 13, 2019 11:56:43 AM IST (Published)

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A Karbi tribal woman Among Kleng, 62, smiles for a photograph at a market in Sonapur, east of Guwahati, India. Kleng says no elected leaders listen to their problems but she cast her vote in the hope of a better future. Combined, India's tribals total more than 100 million people. But they are scattered among hundreds of communities and are often poorer and less educated than the people around them.  May 11, 2019. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath)

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A Gaddi tribal woman Kanta Devi, 57, sits in an open space next to her house in Naddi village in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh. Kanta has been voting with her husband Jai Shankar since her marriage 40 years ago. She and her husband, who is a daily-wage worker, recently had to help their son-in-law, who was seriously ill. Their requests to the local officials for financial support went unanswered. They are bitter about it but she says that they will vote as it is their duty. April 9, 2019. (AP Photo/Ashwini Bhatia)

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