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Most used corporate buzzwords you must include in your resume to land a job


Here are some key words that recruiters seek for searching for potential candidates. Using corporate buzzwords in a resume can demonstrate that you are familiar with industry-specific language and trends, which increases your chances of securing an interview.

By CNBCTV18.com Feb 10, 2023 4:36:45 PM IST (Published)

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Hunting for a new job can be extremely can be really stressful. Sending over your resume to multiple companies and not getting a call back is often demoralising. One of the easier ways to ensure you reach the right recruiter is to use the relevant corporate buzzwords. But how can you know which jobs are the best ones to use? SimpleTexting, a message-based marketing platform, has compiled a list of 45 corporate buzzwords that you can include in your resume. Here are the top buzzwords based on 6.6 million US LinkedIn job postings and how you should use them in your resume. (Image: Reuters)

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Whole using these words in your resume can make sure that you add enough supporting information to back up your claims. Using words like ‘scalable’ and ‘data-driven’ when they aren’t applicable to your previous work or the position that you’re applying for will be less than useful. (Image: AP)

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