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Momentumisers: Here’s why KPIT Tech shares have been rising

KPIT Technologies made a lifetime high yesterday, December 28. It was up 4.5 percent. In fact, in the last six days, it has moved up 27 percent.

By Agam Vakil  Dec 29, 2021 10:40:31 AM IST (Published)

KPIT Technologies made a lifetime high yesterday, December 28. It was up 4.5 percent. In fact, in the last six days, it has moved up 27 percent.
In the last three days, volumes also surged at around 1.7 times compared to the one-month averages. Similarly, deliverable volumes also stand at 1.3 times compared to one month.
In the near term, its support currently stands at around Rs 511 at three day low and the next support comes in at a 20-day moving average, which is Rs 505.