homemarket Newsstocks NewsBOTTOMLINE: Rise of the Gen Next investor

BOTTOMLINE: Rise of the Gen-Next investor

A new breed of millennial and Gen-Z investors is flocking to the markets, but it may be a while before they can make their presence felt.

By Sonal Sachdev  Sept 26, 2021 8:57:12 AM IST (Updated)

Brash, unapologetic, unperturbed, adventurous and fearless - a new breed of young investors is flocking to the equity markets, thanks to the spread of digital broking. They are placing bold bets, taking misses in their stride and ploughing on, thanks to heady gains they’ve tasted in their early stint in the markets. For them, stocks and cryptos are means to material gains and they couldn’t be bothered about gaining a deep understanding of what makes a stock or a crypto tick. Welcome to the post-pandemic market!
The times they are a-changin’
There are big shifts underway globally. The world has been rocked by the pandemic. Central banks have flooded the world with currency. Debt yields nothing. So asset prices have skyrocketed and the new kid on the block, crypto, has made so many wealthy beyond imagination. It is a time of upheaval. The digital transformation is shaking the roots of traditional businesses and threatening their very existence. There’s a shift underway to “tomorrow”. And a part of that shift is the breaking down of dominance across the world, across markets, across media. Everyone has a voice. Everyone has an opportunity to participate. The walls are disappearing. And this has ominous portents for the equity markets too, with a possible shift in the balance of power.
Minorities are rising, and the small groups enjoying majority control are being challenged in more ways than one. One promising piece in this puzzle is the advent of the young investor. Their entry is seen shaking up things in ways many veterans will frown upon. But that’s change. The sooner we embrace it, the better.