homemarket NewsBuy or wait?: Experts, newcomers share their learnings from the 2008 market crash

Buy or wait?: Experts, newcomers share their learnings from the 2008 market crash

By Nigel D'Souza  Apr 5, 2020 12:41:09 PM IST (Updated)

The stock market, it is said, is a place where those with money get the experience and those with experience get the money. The brutal sell-off over the past month has revived memories of the global financial crisis of 2008 and the subsequent market meltdown. Many are comparing the current crash with that seen in 2008, perhaps in the hope that the recovery too could be as swift. Among the many truisms of the stock market, one that almost everybody agrees with, is that it is a strict teacher. And the most valuable learnings are handed down during the worst of downturns. Market meltdowns are painful when you are in the midst of it, and while they may leave some scars, they also toughen you in some ways.
Last week, I posed a question on my twitter handle: “What were some expensive lessons you've learned while investing in the stock market during 2008?”

The response was overwhelming, with veteran investors and recent entrants sharing their learnings and experiences.