homeindia NewsIndia a crucial player in global geopolitics as nations seek resilient supply chains, say experts

India a crucial player in global geopolitics as nations seek resilient supply chains, say experts

Resilient supply chains have become a vital component in the current geopolitical landscape. 'There is an urgent need to diversify supply chains, and India is a natural partner in this endeavour,' Arun Kumar, Managing Partner of Celesta Capital told CNBC TV18.

By Shereen Bhan  Oct 19, 2023 7:12:58 PM IST (Updated)

3 Min Read

India's role in global geopolitics has taken centre stage as nations increasingly prioritise resilient supply chains. The move towards more dependable and diversified supply networks, coupled with India's growing reputation as a critical partner, has elevated the country's prominence in the global arena.
In an exclusive interview with CNBC-TV18 on Tuesday (October 17), Arun Kumar, Managing Partner of Celesta Capital, emphasised the strengthening of the US-India relationship. "The ties between the US and India have never been better," he stated. He highlighted the 'Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology' as a cornerstone of this bilateral relationship, with India's abundant pool of talent poised to benefit both nations.

Resilient supply chains have become a vital component in the current geopolitical landscape. "There is an urgent need to diversify supply chains, and India is a natural partner in this endeavour," said Arun Kumar.