homehealthcare NewsYes Bank urges Fortis to consider revised or new bids

Yes Bank urges Fortis to consider revised or new bids

By CNBC-TV18 May 29, 2018 3:58:58 PM IST (Updated)

Fortis Healthcare may consider inviting other interested companies that did not submit or revise their bids after Yes Bank urged the board to do so.
The single-largest shareholder in Fortis asked the board to consider revised bids for the company submitted after the Munjal-Burman offer was accepted to “maximise” value for investors, reported Economic Times.
Law firm Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas wrote two letters on behalf of its client Yes Bank, advising the Fortis board to take into account the reworked bids from Manipal-TPG and IHH Healthcare, said the daily.