homehealthcare NewsMunjal Burman stays away from fresh bidding for Fortis; IHH, Manipal TPG in fray

Munjal-Burman stays away from fresh bidding for Fortis; IHH, Manipal-TPG in fray

In a regulatory filing, Fortis Healthcare said it has fresh binding bids without specifying details.

By PTI Jul 4, 2018 8:19:51 AM IST (Updated)

Malaysia's IHH Healthcare and Manipal-TPG combine have put in fresh binding bids for cash-strapped healthcare chain while Munjal-Burman combine, which had earlier emerged as the preferred suitor for Fortis Healthcare, has backed out from the race. In a regulatory filing, Fortis Healthcare said it has fresh binding bids without specifying details.
While Malaysia's IHH Healthcare stated that it has put in a binding bid, sources said Manipal-TPG combine have also put in their bid.
The Munjal-Burman combine has, however, not submitted fresh binding bids on the last day, a source said.