homehealthcare NewsMunjal Burman express confidence over Fortis bid

Munjal-Burman express confidence over Fortis bid

By CNBC-TV18 May 17, 2018 8:07:23 PM IST (Updated)

As the race for the Fortis Healthcare heats up, Sunil Kant Munjal of Hero Enterprise,  Anand Burman and Mohit Burman of the Burman family, are confident that their bid is the best combination of price and ease of implementation.
“Our offer is the fastest on time. We anticipate it will take 45-60 days while the other offers will take longer to implement” Munjal said. “Moreover, our bid is unconditional and does not include any walk-away clauses unlike the others,” he said.
The Manipal Health Enterprises-TPG Capital consortium on Sunday revised their offer to acquire a stake in Fortis Healthcare, proposing to infuse Rs 2,100 crore into the company at a share price of Rs 160 per share.