homehealthcare NewsCritical care beds full as COVID 19 cases rise in Mumbai; BMC ramping up capacity

Critical care beds full as COVID-19 cases rise in Mumbai; BMC ramping up capacity

By Archana Shukla  May 27, 2020 10:57:02 AM IST (Updated)

Almost all intensive care unit (ICU) beds available for COVID-19 treatment in Mumbai are occupied, indicating the severe dearth of critical care as cases rise in the city. As of May 25, of the 644 COVID care ICU beds available in the city, 96 percent were already occupied.
Almost 66 percent of 359 critical care beds with ventilators were taken and 63 percent of the 4,116 beds with oxygen support were occupied.
Total 32,791 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been reported in the city, of which 22,912 are active cases. The virus has claimed 1,065 lives so far.