homehealthcare NewsCOVID 19 second wave: Experts decipher lessons learnt from it

COVID-19 second wave: Experts decipher lessons learnt from it

Industrial activity has remained largely open across many states during the second wave. What are the lessons from it, what worked and what didn't? Doctor Rajib Dasgupta, a member of the National AEFI Committee and MS Unnikrishnan, Chairman of the CII Industrial Relations Committee took this discussion forward.

By Shereen Bhan  Jun 2, 2021 6:28:23 PM IST (Published)

The number of reported active COVID-19 cases in the country is now at a seven-week low and the gap between recoveries and daily cases continues to widen in favour of recoveries. That declining trend has prompted states to gradually open up certain activities but with caution.
It is important to keep in mind that the home ministry's circular from last week has extended the compliance for containment measures to June 30. Maharashtra has allowed non-essential shops to open for a few hours between the morning and afternoon, but many other restrictions remain. Other states are also trying similar measures at a gradual reopening.
Industrial activity has remained largely open across many states during the second wave. What are the lessons from it, what worked and what didn't? Doctor Rajib Dasgupta, a member of the National AEFI Committee and MS Unnikrishnan, Chairman of the CII Industrial Relations Committee took this discussion forward. Dr Dasgupta is also the chairperson of the centre of Social Medicine and Community Health at JNU.