homehealthcare NewsCOVID 19 lab leak theory highly unlikely, say scientists

COVID-19 lab leak theory highly unlikely, say scientists

Scientific experts from across the world presented evidence about what may have started the pandemic. The review published in a journal says it is more probable that COVID-19 spread when an infected animal passed the SARS-CoV-2 virus to a human at a live animal market in Wuhan.

By PTI Aug 24, 2021 6:24:41 PM IST (Updated)

It is more probable that COVID-19 spread when an infected animal passed the SARS-CoV-2 virus to a human at a live animal market in Wuhan, China rather than the disease originating from a laboratory accident, according to a team of global scientists.
In a critical review published as pre-proof in the journal Cell, 21 scientific experts from across the world presented evidence about what may have started the pandemic.
"The discussion over the origins of the pandemic have become politicised and heated, and we felt the time was right to take a critical look at all of the available evidence," said Stephen Goldstein, an author on the paper and evolutionary virologist at University of Utah Health, US.