homehealthcare NewsCOVID 19 booster shot: Science still evolving, says WHO scientist

COVID-19 booster shot: Science still evolving, says WHO scientist

Some countries are trying to acquire more doses to shore up their booster initiatives even as experts argue about the need for the third dose.

By CNBCTV18.com Jun 21, 2021 5:26:00 PM IST (Published)

As the coronavirus continues to mutate, the efficacy of vaccines against the newer variants and the longevity of antibodies remain a concern. Nations around the world are preparing to acquire more COVID-19 doses as "booster shots" to combat any sudden surges during autumn and winter, when temperatures begin to fall and people celebrate festivals.
The UK was one of the first countries to announce an official policy for supplementary vaccinations against COVID-19. The country’s re-opening has been severely hampered by the rapid spread of the Delta variant, which was first identified in India.
Health experts, however, argue that such intervention might not be required.