homevideos Newshealthcare NewsBiohybrid Fish, a step forward in building an artificial heart: Researchers

Biohybrid Fish, a step forward in building an artificial heart: Researchers

Scientists at Harvard University in collaboration with Emory University have designed an artificial fish called "Biohybrid Fish."The fish is built using - paper, plastic, 2 strips of living heart muscle cells and gelatin. The project is said to have taken a step forward in building an artificial heart. Researchers say the fish helps to study cardiovascular physiology and heart diseases like arrhythmia.

By CNBCTV18.com Feb 17, 2022 10:07:56 PM IST (Published)

Scientists at Harvard University in collaboration with Emory University have designed an artificial fish called "Biohybrid Fish."
The fish is built using - paper, plastic, 2 strips of living heart muscle cells and gelatin. The flapping tail of the Biohybrid Fish is engineered from human cardiac stem cells, one on each side of the tail fin. The contraction moves the fish's tail in to and fro motion, allowing it to swim.
It is also equipped with a pacemaker, which controls the frequency & rhythm of the contractions. The fish can swim continuously for over 100 days.