homefinance NewsUnion Budget 2019: Insurance industry welcomes 100% FDI in intermediaries, says move will bring long term capital

Union Budget 2019: Insurance industry welcomes 100% FDI in intermediaries, says move will bring long-term capital

The insurance industry has welcomed the move to allow 100 percent foreign direct investment for insurance intermediaries.

By PTI Jul 6, 2019 2:45:17 PM IST (Published)

The insurance industry has welcomed the move to allow 100 percent foreign direct investment for insurance intermediaries saying the move will give the much-needed long-term capital for the sector and bring in a professional advisory to help customers.
Presenting the budget, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman proposed 100 percent foreign direct investment in insurance intermediaries. Canara HSBC Oriental Life Insurance's Anuj Puri said more FDI can help bring in long term capital which is essential in the insurance business.
"The proposal to allow 100 percent FDI in insurance intermediaries will help the entry of large professional advisories which will go a long way in helping customers identifying and fulfilling insurance needs by getting in best-in-class services and global experience," Puri said.