homefinance NewsTop insurtech trends to look forward to in 2022

Top insurtech trends to look forward to in 2022

Since 2020, technology firms have also been enabling insurers to adapt better to the curveballs thrown at them by COVID-19 and its ramifications.

By CNBCTV18.com Contributor Jan 11, 2022 5:17:59 PM IST (Updated)

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the healthcare and insurtech arenas in an unprecedented manner. In some ways, it has merely exacerbated certain existing challenges, such as the absence of seamless access to patient health records—which automation can solve, while, in others, irrevocable changes have been introduced, such as our burgeoning dependence on artificial intelligence (AI) enabled monitoring gadgets as the first step to preventive healthcare.
It is small wonder then that health insurance has exited the pile of optional annual expenses and landed at the top of the necessary expenses list now. In fact, as per India’s 2021 annual budget, our healthcare expenditure was approximately 1.2 percent of the GDP, and this marketshare is projected to grow three-fold to about Rs. 8.6 trillion by 2022 . Since 2020, technology firms have also been enabling insurers to adapt better to the curveballs thrown at them by COVID-19 and its ramifications.
Here’s looking at some of the key trends foreseen to affect the arena in 2022: