homefinance NewsHow data driven fraud prevention can act as catalyst for secure and seamless digital payments ecosystem?

How data-driven fraud prevention can act as catalyst for secure and seamless digital payments ecosystem?

Consumer behaviour is increasingly leaning in favour of digital payments, as evidenced by the most-recent survey on festive season spending. Three-fourths (75 percent) of those surveyed are now more likely to use digital payments than they were a year ago.

By CNBCTV18.com Contributor Dec 21, 2021 6:55:25 PM IST (Updated)

Digital payments are no more a thing of the future, they are already transforming the here and now. The 30.19 percent growth recorded by digital payments for the year ended March 2021, as per the RBI’s Digital Payments Index (DPI), is proof of its growing clout in India’s banking and payments landscape.
Consumer behaviour is increasingly leaning in favour of digital payments, as evidenced by the most-recent survey on festive season spending. Three-fourths (75 percent) of those surveyed are now more likely to use digital payments than they were a year ago. However, this increased familiarity and acceptance brought about by the pandemic has also given rise to a new wave of fraudsters who probe for vulnerabilities exposed through such rapid change. If this growing threat is not addressed by the industry as a whole, it could undo the progress made by digital payments, and the trust consumers have placed in it.
Although Indian consumers have displayed greater faith in digital payments, they are still concerned about payments fraud and are exercising greater caution than they did a year ago. These concerns are echoed in the Consumer Trust and Fraud Survey conducted in June 2021. 71 percent of consumers said they are more concerned about scams and fraud because of COVID-19, rising from 47 percent last year at the onset of the pandemic. Almost half (49 percent) are most concerned about fake UPI payment links that ask for money transfers via text or email.