homeeconomy NewsDomestic travel is back, as are premium prices at hotels

Domestic travel is back, as are premium prices at hotels

From occupancy levels to average daily room rents, hotels across India have seen a noticeable spike in most key parameters.

By Jude Sannith  Jun 2, 2022 9:56:06 PM IST (Updated)

With COVID numbers in check for three months now, and travel resuming across key Indian cities, the hospitality business is getting back to where it was before the pandemic began. Since the New Year though, a third wave notwithstanding, the turnaround in Indian hospitality has been phenomenal. Hotels say their revenues are up as are occupancy rates across properties.
"Restaurants have opened, but the demand for takeaway has not diminished. So, these are the kind of things that have helped us take our total RevPAR up," said Zubin Songadwala, area manager (South), ITC Hotels, and general manager of the iconic ITC Grand Chola in Chennai, "As banquets have opened, as restrictions have been lifted, we have seen banquet revenues going up. It gives us the benefit of a total fillip in total RevPAR."
RevPAR or Revenue Per Available Room is a hotel’s earnings divided by the number of rooms on the property and serves as an indicator of the health of a hotel’s business. While traditionally, RevPAR has served as a function of how occupied a hotel is, a recent and significant spike in dining, banqueting and alternate revenue streams at various hotels — this includes home deliveries and sale of merchandise — has pushed this number up.