homeeconomy NewsChina's January February exports and imports tumble amid coronavirus outbreak

China's January-February exports and imports tumble amid coronavirus outbreak

China’s exports fell by double digits in January and February as anti-virus controls closed factories, while imports sank by a smaller margin.

By AP Mar 7, 2020 5:12:33 PM IST (Published)

China’s exports fell by double digits in January and February as anti-virus controls closed factories, while imports sank by a smaller margin.
Exports tumbled 17.2 percent from a year earlier to $292.4 billion, a sharp reverse from December’s 7.8 percent rise, customs data showed Saturday. Imports declined 4 percent to $299.5 billion, down from the previous month’s 16.3 percent gain.
Trade was poised for a boost after Beijing and Washington removed punitive tariffs on some of each other’s goods in a trade truce signed in January. But that was offset by Chinese anti-virus controls that shut down much of the world’s second-largest economy in late January.