homebuzz NewsWhen a midlife couple took a perilous trek up to Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan

When a midlife couple took a perilous trek up to Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan

The experience taught me that we often hold back due to the fear of something going wrong. On the contrary, if we bend a bit we can build memories that will always cheer us.

By Poonam Kirpal  May 18, 2019 9:48:24 AM IST (Updated)

Undoubtedly, there is divinity in the air in Bhutan. The Kuensel Phodrang nature park has one of the largest statues of Shakyamuni Buddha in the world. Most of the walkways are lined with prayer wheels. While walking to work or leisure, everyone just pushes the wheels and gets blessings from the Almighty. When attired in one’s own traditional dress and pushing a prayer wheel every now and then, how can a wicked thought enter one’s pure body?
My husband and I had been in Bhutan a few days – visiting Thimpu’s Motithang Takin Preserve; Punakha, where we saw dzongs (forts) and shrines; and the Dochula Pass where we got a mesmerizing glimpse of the Himalayan kingdom – before we reached Paro.
All through our sightseeing tour, our enthusiastic guide kept preparing us for the most impressive sight which we were to see. It was the Paro Taktsang monastery, well known as the Tiger’s Nest temple, perched precariously on the edge of a 1,200 metre cliff. It was a five-mile trek up to 10,240 feet.