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Edward Snowden book coming out September 17

Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has written a memoir. The book by the man whose leaks of classified documents transformed the debate about government surveillance is coming out September 17.

By AP Aug 2, 2019 3:49:51 PM IST (Published)

Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has written a memoir. The book by the man whose leaks of classified documents transformed the debate about government surveillance is coming out September 17.
Metropolitan Books, an imprint of Macmillan Publishers, announced Thursday that Snowden's "Permanent Record" will be released simultaneously in more than 20 countries, including the US, Germany and Britain. According to Metropolitan, Snowden will describe his role in the accumulation of metadata and the "crisis of conscience" that led him to steal a trove of files in 2013 and share them with reporters. Metropolitan spokeswoman Pat Eisemann declined to offer additional details.
Snowden noted in a tweet Thursday that the book would be released on Constitution Day and added that he had "just completed an international conspiracy across 20 countries, and somehow the secret never leaked."