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BOOK EXCERPT: Your Best Day is Today -- Anupam Kher shares experiences of the lockdown

By CNBCTV18.com Dec 7, 2020 4:45:39 PM IST (Updated)

New York, one of the most enigmatic cities in the world… A city that never sleeps is always packed with people every hour of the day. As enchanting as this city is, it gets a little lonely as winters approach. Most people leave the city during the holidays to visit their near and dear ones. There is a little less buzz on the streets during this time of the year. One can see mostly tourists roaming around the city, especially at prime locations like the Times Squares, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park, etc. The cold weather creates some kind of gloominess in the air, which can sometimes get to you, especially if you live all by yourself.
My first experience of this city was while I was shooting for the film The Big Sick in the winter of 2016. It was then that I felt the energy of this city and the influence it held over millions of people. But it was only when I started living in New York City while shooting for NBC series New Amsterdam, in mid-2018, I actually got to experience its magic. New York is truly the greatest cities in the world that leaves you mesmerised. It is said: ‘Once you make it to New York, you can make it anywhere in the world.’ New York has that kind of effect on you. It changes you completely. It is a city where dreams come true. As the producers of New Amsterdam approached me for the role of Dr Vijay Kapoor, one of my incentives for being part of the show was that I would get to live in this city.
Though I was recognised there for the work I had done earlier, I still felt so anonymous, which was great. I have always said: ‘Introspection leads you to a path of self-discovery.’ And living in New York made me introspect and got me closer to myself. It humbled me and gave me a sense of anonymity, which, in turn, gave me freedom.