homebusiness NewsWhy McDonald’s ice cream machines are always broken? US agency FTC is investigating

Why McDonald’s ice cream machines are always broken? US agency FTC is investigating

McDonald’s ice cream machines may be just part of the right to repair debate. The US is increasingly taking cognisance of companies which deter customers from easily repairing or replacing their products, Apple being an iconic example.

By CNBCTV18.com Sept 2, 2021 7:34:24 PM IST (Updated)

McDonald’s infamous broken ice cream machines have become pseudo icons in their own right in the US. But now the company might be in a legal pickle due to their perpetually broken machines. The United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is now contacting McDonald’s franchisees over information regarding the broken ice cream machines, reported The Wall Street Journal.
The ice cream machine is responsible for creating over 60 percent of the desserts sold in McDonald’s locations across the US. Repeated breakdowns have become a headache for both customers and owners.
The machines are manufactured by Taylor Commercial Foodservice LLC and have often been criticised for being “over-engineered” and hard to repair. The machine undergoes an automated heat-cleaning cycle every night to sterilise it after exposure to dairy throughout the day. The cycle lasts over four hours and is the most common point of failure for the machines. They are engineered in such a way that owners cannot fix the machines themselves, and if they do, the warranties are voided. Business owners have to rely on Taylor repairmen from authorised third party service providers.