homebusiness Newscompanies NewsSwiggy’s food delivery business turns profitable in 9 years since its inception

Swiggy’s food delivery business turns profitable in 9 years since its inception

As of March 2023, Swiggy’s food delivery business has turned profitable, while Instamart is on track to hit contribution neutrality in the next few weeks.

By Vahishta Unwalla  May 18, 2023 12:55:33 PM IST (Published)

2 Min Read

Swiggy’s food delivery business has turned profitable in nine years since its inception. This is after factoring in all corporate costs; excluding employee stock option costs. "This is a milestone for food delivery globally, as Swiggy has become one of the very few global food delivery platforms to achieve profitability in less than 9 years since its inception"  Sriharsha Majety, CEO and Co-founder at Swiggy said.
As of March 2023, Swiggy’s food delivery business has turned profitable, while Instamart is on track to hit contribution neutrality in the next few weeks.
Swiggy commenced operations in 2014 with food delivery as its first foray. Nine years ago, on-demand food delivery was a new experience for Indians and with 10-12 players trying to create a mark in the industry, the business model was largely termed as economically unviable. Last year, Swiggy acquired Dineout, now leading in the dining out category with over 21,000+ restaurant partners across 34 cities.