homebusiness Newscompanies NewsPwC India launches employee engagement initiatives to promote sustainable practices

PwC India launches employee engagement initiatives to promote sustainable practices

In a commitment to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2030, PwC India said it has launched multiple employee engagement initiatives such as the green week and conscious choices to promote and educate sustainable practices among employees.

By PTI Nov 24, 2022 9:23:19 PM IST (Published)

2 Min Read

Consultancy firm PwC India on Thursday said it has launched multiple employee engagement initiatives to promote sustainable practices as part of its commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
In 2020, PwC India joined PwC network firms in a commitment to achieve net zero GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions by 2030. "Our commitment is aligned to a 1.5 degree scenario which is necessary to avert the worst impacts of climate change,' it said in a release.
Further, PwC India said the commitment to proceed towards a net zero system by 2030 largely focuses on minimising its carbon emissions via a carbon mitigation hierarchy -- avoid, reduce, replace and offset.