homeaviation NewsJet Airways: These are the airlines that benefitted the most from its demise

Jet Airways: These are the airlines that benefitted the most from its demise

There are multiple winners with each airline trying to corner whatever was possible after the death of Jet Airways left slots and aircraft up for grabs.

By Ameya Joshi  Nov 19, 2019 4:57:19 PM IST (Updated)

What a turbulent year this has been for Indian aviation. The death of Jet Airways in April, another set of quarterly losses in the second quarter by the only two listed airlines and stagnated growth in passenger number — 2019 has been Annus Horribilis for India’s airline industry.
The overwhelming belief after Jet’s collapse was that as India is undergoing overcapacity, capacity will be rationalised. That has not happened. IndiGo, India’s biggest airline, actually  declared another loss for the same quarter this year.
The July–September quarter has traditionally been a weak quarter and airlines have struggled financially and operationally in the past. But this year was different because July–September was the first full quarter that had no Jet Airways. Remember, by then Jet’s competitors had lapped up its slots and aircraft.